Hearing Health Blog

New Treatment For Tinnitus Available at Flatirons Audiology, Inc.

Posted on May 25, 2012 by tinnitusdrjulie

A great article by Pat Brennan, the science writer at the Orange County Register.  He highlights the research from UC Irvine, with some very clear and compelling quotes by Dr. Zeng explaining the S-Tone and its impact on patients within the study.  This article demonstrates the interest of the news media in this research.


Love, Marriage and Hearing Loss

Posted on December 8, 2011 by tinnitusdrjulie

Love, Marriage and Hearing Loss: Listen to me Dear!

Recent studies show untreated hearing loss can take a serious toll on marriage due to the effects untreated hearing loss has on communication. The best way to prevent marriage problems due to hearing loss is to treat hearing loss with hearing aids.

Married to someone with hearing loss? What difficulties have you experienced?


Complications with Childhood Diseases Can Dramatically Affect Learning

Posted on November 30, 2011 by tinnitusdrjulie

Complications With Childhood Diseases Can Dramatically Affect Hearing And Learning

There was a story on The Today Show that indicated Colorado is in the lowest 8 states for not properly immunizing our children against childhood diseases.


TESTIMONIAL by Cindy Sullivan:  I was little when the measles vaccine came out but my sister and I unfortunately got the measles before we could get vaccinated.  I was apparently very sick with measles and when I was finally able to return to elementary school everyone thought I was fine.

But my grades and classroom participation declines significantly and teachers thought maybe my fever had affected my leaning ability.  Not true.  What we later discovered was that the measles caused permanent and total damage to my hearing nerve in one ear.  Since I was so young and could hear out of the other ear, this was hard to detect.

All I needed to do was sit on the side of the side of the room so that  my hearing ear, not my deaf ear, was pointed toward the discussion.  Problem solved… for then.

There is now technology which Dr. Julie fitted me with, called a Cros Aid.  I wear one tiny receiver in my deaf ear that transmits sound from my deaf side to my hearing side.  Now it does not matter where I sit in restaurants, meetings or classes.  I can hear everything!   It’s a wonderful gift!

But this type of hearing loss could have been prevented if I’d just been given the vaccine.

– Cindy Sullivan

One in 5 Americans Suffer From Hearing Loss

Posted on November 26, 2011 by tinnitusdrjulie

Did you know that 1 in 5 Americans have hearing loss which can significantly reduce interaction during the holidays. Don’t miss out on holiday fun, call our office for your annual hearing test today! 303.664.9111


A new study from Johns Hopkins School of Medicine… fb.me/1mLjAfxV5